Marina Residence -
Los Angeles
This house is the perfect playground for a myriad of materials and feelings. There is a sense of balance and zen all throughout.
To the right of the entrance, there is a den comprised of relaxing tones and fun lighting.
Living Space
The living room space contains a variety of different textures and materials. The outside greenery adds dimension and color to the interior.
Living Space
There is a lot of use of wood in the kitchen space, the stools, the cabinets. They are contrasted by the marble counter tops.
Master Bedroom
There is an advantage to the use of dark colors in this room. The right side of the room carefully balances out the dark colors.
The second bedroom is a contrast from the previous bedroom, they are opposites. The second bedroom is a contrast from the previous bedroom, they are.
Second Guest Room
There is a series of bathrooms throughout. Changing colors between, red, white and blue.
Outside Lounge
The outside space is meant to be like a playground, a pop of color had been added with the reading nook.